
10-year law school reunion

Scattered thoughts on my 10-year Harvard Law School reunion this weekend. First, some (paraphrased) observations made by classmates. “The 30-year reunion alums look relaxed and wealthy.” I like that glimpse into the future. “I’m disturbed by the amount of privilege in this room.” True. (Said by someone who has dedicated her career to public service.) …

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Podcast review

Hello! It’s been a while. I’ve had things I wanted to write about, but then they got sucked into the whirlpool of dishes and childcare and GDPR compliance. I’ll try to remember a few things and write about them quickly. I have about fourteen minutes. Today we were supposed to have a snowstorm. The forecast …

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Wrinkle in Time spoilers

I’ll go with the critics on this one: there were lots of things I liked about this movie, but ultimately it was unsatisfying. First, the good. The casting was inspiring. I loved seeing people of all different skin colors working together as equals, something I rarely see in movies. Loved Oprah playing herself. The movie …

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All Writing

Night of the Living Alexa

Inspired by an actual story about people reporting that their Amazon Echo (a.k.a. Alexa) was randomly laughing, I wrote a story about the logical next steps. Read it on “Night of the Living Alexa.” My kids decided they would also write stories on the same theme. We all wrote our stories independently, and read them …

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Hypothetical and hyperthetical

I was explaining to the kids the difference between the prefixes “hypo-” meaning “below” or “under,” and “hyper-” meaning “over.” My kids are used to this sort of thing, and will grow up assuming that everybody’s parents give long lectures about etymologies. It came up because Old Kid was making fun of his little brother …

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Swirl methods

Birthday cake time! One kid wants an ice cream cake with strawberry and vanilla. Easy enough — and for the middle layer, I’m using Good Humor strawberry shortcake bars. I think this will turn out to be a stroke of genius. Plus I don’t have to crush up little cookies. The other kid wants a …

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Hello world, wanna buy a duck?

I have a blog again! It took me several months of building up my resolve and a week of painful IT issues to get here. My goal is to get back in the habit of writing. So I’m going to write whatever crosses my mind in my twelve minutes of free time each day. Today …

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